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Grief in Elegance
A Programme of French May Art Fest

The Collaboration


Invited by the talented award-winning pianist - William Fu, organised under one of the biggest annual art festival in Hong Kong - French May Art Fest, a multimedia enjoyment was curated where audience experience a multi-sensorial musical journey.

The theme Grief in Elegance is decided by the pianist himself, who also designed the repertoire of the concert, whose piano pieces are mainly selected from the Romantic Period.

The challenge of the design is to create a flowing storyline that connects all the dispersed selected pieces into one single story that brings out the message - Grief can also be beautiful.

Art Direction, Multimedia Design

Hong Kong

May 2021

Performed Concert

Pianist - William Fu

Multimedia designer - Rever Li

Graphic designer - Jacky Ho


Research & Insights


The romantic period music itself inspired and had been inspired by the Impressionist artists who were born in the same era. The repertoire also resonates with the misty Impressionism.

We studied on the impressionist paintings which a lot were a visualisation of the music. It is beyond fascinating that we could see the music describing the nature scenes and places that appeared in the paintings.

That is where the art direction is set - to bring the romantic period to the present real life, to the audiences.

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The Idea & Execution

There is a common factor among the music choices, they all describe of either a bird, water or moon. These elements constructed the basic of the storyline.

The bird is the main character which went through grief and sadness, found peace, but eventually accepted grief as an essential part of life and found freedom within.

We designed five chapters for the story to illustrate the journey of the bird from suffering to embracing grief.​

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At the last part of the journey, we decided to prompt our audience on the question 'What is grief to you?' with different types of grief people would experienced where audience decide on the relevancy of each grief to them.

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